Demon Dragon of the Heavens Gaiking was a Japanese Super Robot mecha anime series produced by Toei Animation. It ran from April 1976 through January 1977 and consisted of 44 26-minute episodes. Gaiking was notable for being one of the few super robot series to take place in real places outside of Japan, and for being the first Super Robot series to have a mobile carrier for the chief robots. In the USA, Gaiking was part of Mattel’s popular Shogun Warriors import toy line of the late 1970s and Jim Terry’s Force Five anthology series. In 2005, a remake titled “Gaiking: Legend of Daiku-Maryu” was produced. In 2009, William Winckler Productions produced three all new English dubbed movie versions edited from the original series. Producer William Winckler, known for Tekkaman the Space Knight, wrote, produced and directed the English films, which are seen on broadband in Japan. On March 28, 2010, a Live-Action Movie based on the series, simply entitled, Gaiking, was announced at the 2010 Tokyo Animation Fair. An international production will be helmed by Toei Animation, Gale Anne Hurd via Valhalla Entertainment and All Nippon Entertainment Works, but the year of production is still unknown.